Monday, April 27, 2009


I was thinking today about being a Christian and wondering about the question that is often raised about choosing. And after some thought, I really can’t give any clear explanation. My thinking goes like this: Did I decide the family I would be placed in, or the time I would be born? Who wired my mind the way it is, and shaped my body so that I would be good at some things and not others? When I see how little I had to do with any of this, namely nothing, I can’t conclude in the least that I had anything to do with choosing God. And when my mind hits that wall it comes to this conclusion: Oh how beautiful it is to be chosen by God! To be loved first, knowing that I owe nothing to myself, not only does this eliminate pride, it eliminates fear, fear that I will do something that will cause God to push me away. We are all sinners nothing in us caused God to choose us! What a beautiful promise it is when we are told that He will complete the work He started in us! The security of my soul is set in place by God himself; a security that no man can touch, no sin can mare and no fear can cripple! God is the same yesterday today and forever and His choice has been made! I rest in that fact yet double my effort to make my calling and election sure. Not because God will erase my name from the book of life if I sin, but because, though I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead, I will do everything I can to not let mediocrity pull me down to a place where I look back and find that Christianity was just a phase for me and I am just another seed that was choked out by the thorns of this world. Thank You God for this promise of perseverance, for your forgiveness and for your continued working in my life!

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