Wednesday, April 29, 2009


:-P (sorry its so small, the lines didn't work out if I made it any bigger...)

When the odds stack against us and sins drowned our hope, what can we trust in, who won’t disappoint
When temptations are just one click away and our schedule gives us no time to pray
When fear and depression are what’s setting the tone, and the Christians you know are just worldly clones
When you fail and then try and then fail some more to get rid of the sin that lives in your core
When you think that Gods left and He’s not coming back, that you failed once too often and God won’t cut you slack
When life just seems worthless and you’ve kissed meaning goodbye, just turn once to Jesus He’s heard all your cries

It’s a death to ourselves and this world where we dwell, which in the end is just weight that will drag us to Hell
But with death comes His life that never will end, it’s a life lived in faith that He will constantly mend
He’ll hold you and guide you and lead you to glory, the road may be narrow but He’s writing the story
You where chosen before time so rejoice in His Love, your names in His book and your home is above
So live life as a stranger who boasts in the Cross, who fears not a man and counts everything as loss
Your life may be void of all earthly “pleasure” but turn your eyes unto Jesus He‘s the real treasure

And when you arrive at the gates full of splendor and all that you offer is a life of surrender
Jesus will stand and proclaim unto all, this is my child I didn’t let him fall
Through fear and through trial and unto his death he trusted my name with every breath

And then he will welcome you into your Home and love you forever as one of his own!

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